
Bronwyn & James

The two day Calmbirth course with Lucy at Birth and Beyond was the perfect way for my partner and I to bond and prepare for the unknowns of labour and breastfeeding.

For the final three weeks of my labour I struggled with pain and discomfort and the Calmbirth breathing and meditation techniques taught in the course were simple ways to stay calm and cope with a tough few weeks.  

After three weeks of pain we decided to induce, and the education provided through the course helped me to trust this decision and understand the process that would follow for an induced birth.  Shortly after my contractions began I chose to have an epidural, a choice I felt empowered and confident to make thanks to the education in Calmbirth which covered all birth scenarios from vaginal to c-section, and with or without pain relief.  

Through every part of the birth of our baby, from the early contractions and the epidural process, to calming my body into sleep after the epidural and breathing through the final pushes, I was conscious of everything we learnt in Calmbirth.  With the Calmbirth experience behind us, labour and birth was not the daunting experience I had once thought it would be and instead became fascinating, positive and calm.  The education and techniques taught in the course provided me with tools to use throughout labour, as well as gave my parter tools and knowledge to support me through the birth. 

My partner and I still call on Calmbirth tools for moments of stress with our newborn. It has proved to be the perfect way to bond at the end of pregnancy and to become a team ready to take on parenthood!  Lucy’s years of experience as a midwife and her passion for childbirth education really make this course so worthwhile and we are so grateful that we were able to experience the birth of our daughter in such a wonderful way and with her support.  Thank you Lucy!!

The Birth Partner’s Experience

Typical of most birth partners I didn’t have much understanding what my role could be during the birth of our first born child. Our Calmbirth course with Lucy demystified the birthing process and outlined what the birth partner’s role can be during labour. Following the two days with Lucy, I felt prepared and empowered for the birth of our first.  I learnt how important I could be, and what can be done during birth to help the whole process. The birth partner is positioned to know the do’s and don’ts of their significant other far more than the medical staff during times of stress. Rather than becoming a bystander, I felt involved and empowered to listen, be a part of and respectfully question the timing of decisions during the birth (e.g. the type and timing of pain relief to be administered, discussing physical examinations, etc.) 

Lucy delivered the course very professionally and we were lucky enough to have her involved in the first stage of the birth as well as caring for us immediately afterwards.  Lucy also checked in on us post birth during our stay in the hospital. It was great seeing and having a familiar face!

Thank you for everything Lucy!

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